Knowing how important a timely emergency response operation is, we have in place a 24hrs dedicated control centers in all the Regions to assist in ensuring a real time, response to all forms of Emergency Call when the need arises.

This is achieved by means of hand held radio Walkie Talkie, Base Stations and telephones provided at the various regions and coordinated by the Central Control Room at our Head Office In Lagos and followed up by Completed Incident Report, signed by the supervisor submitted to the Patrol Supervisor within the shortest possible time of occurrence depending on the incident.

Our Responsibility:

  • NOCU EAGLES will as part of its responsibility ensure that a timely emergency response is made to our respective clients in the event of an emergency through its 24hrs operative control room.
  • The office after receiving report of incidence from the control room, engage our Response team for an immediate response where the need arises for an immediate response.
  • Where not, the Control Room will coordinate the investigation of incidences and make a formal report to the client affected despite having informed the contact person at same organization about the incidence immediately after occurrence.
  • Our incident management process is predicated on promptness and immediate restoration of services and clients’ confidence.
  • A post incident management appraisal is carried out and the report provided for the client.